Hello Maysville, KY . . . Here I come

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As I drove along Rt.. 8 I decided to stop in Maysville, KY. Maysville welcomes you with her charming old buildings and partially renovated downtown.
While I was driving I noticed a recently renovated Restaurant. As I entered the Home Front Cafe and ordered our bean soup and hotdog I was greeted by Lanette Parnell and I noticed the many Civil War items in the restaurant.
I was eating, looking around at the many civil war artifacts, as the owner Ernie entered the room and immediately welcomed meto his place with his booming, theatrical voice. Ernie started out with the usual small talk like: Where are you going? . . . where are you from? . . What brought you here? But after a few minutes he told me "his story" How he had found the building, his love for history and especially his love for the history of the civil war. Ernie told me about the history of the South. His stories seemed like philosophical dissertation and as I listened to Ernie.
Ernie talked about truth and realities. . . How people felt in the days before the Civil War and how the two worlds started to separate. He told me about Eli Whitney who invented the cottenpicker. The South was delighted about the invention and it meant everything to the South, but the North could care less about the invention. However Eli also had invented the interchangeable part for the assembly line. With this form of manufacturing one could interchange any part with another for a specific model of production good. (gun as an example). As the North was mostly occupied with manufacturing this process changed the life and the economics of its time.
Labor was still needed in the South but the North wanted to buy cheap cotton, so the North went to the legislature of the country and asked them to abolish slavery (which was the cheap labor of the South). The North was less interested in the freedom of black slaves as in the economics o their State.
How would cotton become cheaper if slavery would be abolished you may ask. Very simply: As slavery would be abolished, production cost would be high, the English would have no interest in purchasing cotton from the South and land purchase of the South would become cheap for Northerners. (Ask Ernie what a copperhead is. . . ) Truly this is the story of Truth and Reality.
But Ernie also talked about time. How time heals all wounds, How generations have come together again. Time heals fear and anger . . . for all of us.
Ernie you are a great guy and I wish you and your family well! Thank you for all you stories, your thoughts and your hospitality.
If you go to Maysville you MUST stop at the Homefront Cafe (don't expect a quick stop is Ernie is around), and say "Hello" to Ernie from me.
Awesome article. Thank you very much for highlighting our little town with such warmth. We definitely look forward to your return.
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