Bellemont -Arizona
Today I left Springerville, AZ and ended my day in Bellemont, AZ. (About 10 miles past Flagstaff, AZ). As soon as I left Springerville, AZ a new world opened. The ride was filled with mountains in the distance and very open country with green bushes and red ground and a ‘dead’ grass cover. I stopped during my ride and noticed that the cover with grass is very thin, and the ground underneath is filled with rocks. The air in the morning was so clear that I must have been able to see for tens of miles in the distance.
The view all day was spectacular, because of the endless openness of the area. The mountains that you see appear close, but in reality you drive and drive and it seems as if you do not get any closer.
I took St. Rt. 60 to Show Low, AZ and from there I took St. Rt. 77 to Holbrook, AZ. From there I took an Interstate for the first time on my journey (Speed limit 75 . . . and I let you guess how fast everyone really drove). I drove I-40 to Bellmont, AZ.
When you drive in this part of the country you know that the road is endless when you cannot see its end in the distance and all county roads are dirt roads. Interestingly enough I sometimes noticed pick-up trucks with livestock trailers that suddenly turned on their turn signal to turn into a path in the desert. I have no clue how they knew where to turn. Most ranches are miles away from the ‘main road’. Traffic out here is very sparse.
I enjoy ATV riding and so far I believe there is no better State in the Union where one could ride for miles and miles.
Around Noon I reached my 2,000 mile mark. In the distance I noticed a beautiful mountain that was filled with indescribable colors. The colors ranged from bright read to lush green to an unusual gray. As I later found out these were the ‘San Francisco Peaks’. These mountains are sacred to the Navaho Indians.
My day was cool and I again had to wear leather as I slowly climbed to 7,500 feet elevation. Around this area are numerous Indian reservations that advertise cheap cigarettes and . . . or course gambling. Somehow I think the world is upside down. And . . my Nextel connection is back.
By the end of my day today, after I settled into my hotel I visited the local Harley store in Bellemont.
The store is located on a little side road fairly close to I-40. But the most interesting part about this dealer is that he also owns a bar and restaurant on the property. In there you fix your own hot-dog, chop or steak on a grill. (I guess if you don’t like the way it turned out, there is none to blame but you.) I met some guys from Phoenix, who drove up here to have a good time. We talked for about two hours and we had a great time. One was a band director in Phoenix and the other was a truck driver (brothers) Both moved here from NY-City several years ago.
Tomorrow will be the day (God willing) for me to arrive in Las Vegas and I will let you know tomorrow. Until then . . . you all have a great weekend and as always let me hear from you.
Thought of the day:
Thank God every day for your friends and promise to make new ones
Total miles 2143 miles
Miles today: 203 miles
67 degrees to 90 degrees
Gas: 12.35
The view all day was spectacular, because of the endless openness of the area. The mountains that you see appear close, but in reality you drive and drive and it seems as if you do not get any closer.
I took St. Rt. 60 to Show Low, AZ and from there I took St. Rt. 77 to Holbrook, AZ. From there I took an Interstate for the first time on my journey (Speed limit 75 . . . and I let you guess how fast everyone really drove). I drove I-40 to Bellmont, AZ.
When you drive in this part of the country you know that the road is endless when you cannot see its end in the distance and all county roads are dirt roads. Interestingly enough I sometimes noticed pick-up trucks with livestock trailers that suddenly turned on their turn signal to turn into a path in the desert. I have no clue how they knew where to turn. Most ranches are miles away from the ‘main road’. Traffic out here is very sparse.
I enjoy ATV riding and so far I believe there is no better State in the Union where one could ride for miles and miles.
Around Noon I reached my 2,000 mile mark. In the distance I noticed a beautiful mountain that was filled with indescribable colors. The colors ranged from bright read to lush green to an unusual gray. As I later found out these were the ‘San Francisco Peaks’. These mountains are sacred to the Navaho Indians.
My day was cool and I again had to wear leather as I slowly climbed to 7,500 feet elevation. Around this area are numerous Indian reservations that advertise cheap cigarettes and . . . or course gambling. Somehow I think the world is upside down. And . . my Nextel connection is back.
By the end of my day today, after I settled into my hotel I visited the local Harley store in Bellemont.
Tomorrow will be the day (God willing) for me to arrive in Las Vegas and I will let you know tomorrow. Until then . . . you all have a great weekend and as always let me hear from you.
Thought of the day:
Thank God every day for your friends and promise to make new ones
Total miles 2143 miles
Miles today: 203 miles
67 degrees to 90 degrees
Gas: 12.35
Sounds like great progress on your journey. Wedding went off well. I have over 300 pictures.Most of them are good.Was quite a wing ding.I hope to start harvest maybe this week.Good to have friends where ever they might be found.Bobster
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:26:00 PM
Glad you arrived safely and your trip has been very enjoyable. You can keep the 90 degree weather.
Love You,
Mom and Dad
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