Centerville Inn in Centerville,IN or Blair House
Saturday, July 30, 2005
When you come to Centerville Indiana "the capital of Antique shopping" . . . started by Verlon Webb with his Antique Mall (Which he sold some time ago) you may want to visit
The Centerville Inn / Blair House
You will find the restaurant as drive on St. Rt. 40 going East. In the middle of the town, at the traffic light, you have to turn South and you will see the restaurant on your left.
Its' a small place with lots of potential and is currently for sale for about $125,000. So if you are interested buy the fixtures, real estate and all. The restaurant was and is always great for a piece of pie and a good cup of coffee during a Sunday afternoon ride.
I hadn't been there for quite some time and as I arrived I met up with my buddy Bud King. Bud used to own a great restaurant in Richmond, IN ; "Taste of the Town", on Main Street. He finally had to give it up, because the big Steakhouses moved into town, etc.. But his lunch and dinner will always be remembered by all those who once gathered at Taste of the Town. -

As Bud and I chatted, Bud told me that he had to give up HD riding. Not too long ago he was greeting other riders on the opposite side of the road . . . until he hit the rear of a car in front of him that had stopped. OUCH ;-(
Bud checked his head after he flew over the windshield of his Road King and his head was "GOOD" as he told the story. The problem was that he was not able to get up. He had broken his hips. And so, after his lucky wreck he gave it up. Bud is OK now and he thanks God for anopther chance at life.

His girlfriend actually owns this restaurant and Bud just keeps it running for her, because she has another job. The food is good (Reuben Sandwich and stuff . . . ), but I like it because it offers a great road stop and I always envision that someone will come along with a vision for excellent food and will decorate the place as a landmark. . . because this place deserves it!
Here is our rating of the restaurant: (maximum rating in each category ●●●●●)
Food quality and value: ●●● (money vs. food)
Location: ●●●●●
Service: ●●●
Atmosphere: ● (It needs some decorating help inside)
Our Rating: ●●1/4 Sorry . . . thats' the best we could do.