Ainsley's Cafe - Liberty, IN
Ainsley's Cafe
As I entered the restaurant I was greeted by a very nice hostess that I thought I knew from somewhere. I thought and thought: "Where do I know her from?" (I am sure that never happened to you) Then suddenly it came to me:. . . She was the hostess of "The Olde Richmond Inn." The same owners who owned that restaurant, also owned this restaurant.
You will find this very nice restaurant west of State Rt.101 in Indiana. As you drive on St. Rt. 101 either toward Brookville, IN or Liberty, IN will have to turn onto "Fairfield Ramp" (Old 101) and drive toward Brookville Lake.
What awaits you is a beutiful resort and: "Ainsley's Cafe". Open Wednesday thru Sunday from April 1st thru October 31st.Open 7 days a week from Memorial Day thru Labor Day.
When you go, make sure you sit and eat outside as the view of the lake/marina is tremendous. The food is not cheap ( the spinach salad pictured above is almost $10.00), but you'll forget about the price when you sit on on the balcony in the sun, watch the clouds in the sky and think about . . nothing.
As I was sitting there in our relaxing moods, I noticed unfortunately a couple of guys behind me who were quite drunk. They found it necessary to indulge in profane language and adult conversations and I was amazed that the waitress continued to serve them alcoholic beverages. As the conversations between them continued, at least 8 people left this area of the restaurant . . . and I finally did as well.
I suggest that a restaurant that wants to maintain such a privileged atmosphere has to draw the line in the sand.
Here is our rating of the restaurant: (maximum rating in each category ●●●●●)
Food quality and value: ●●●● (money vs. food)
Location: ●●●●
Service: ●●●●
Atmosphere: ●●●●
Our Rating: ●●●●

As I entered the restaurant I was greeted by a very nice hostess that I thought I knew from somewhere. I thought and thought: "Where do I know her from?" (I am sure that never happened to you) Then suddenly it came to me:. . . She was the hostess of "The Olde Richmond Inn." The same owners who owned that restaurant, also owned this restaurant.
You will find this very nice restaurant west of State Rt.101 in Indiana. As you drive on St. Rt. 101 either toward Brookville, IN or Liberty, IN will have to turn onto "Fairfield Ramp" (Old 101) and drive toward Brookville Lake.

When you go, make sure you sit and eat outside as the view of the lake/marina is tremendous. The food is not cheap ( the spinach salad pictured above is almost $10.00), but you'll forget about the price when you sit on on the balcony in the sun, watch the clouds in the sky and think about . . nothing.
As I was sitting there in our relaxing moods, I noticed unfortunately a couple of guys behind me who were quite drunk. They found it necessary to indulge in profane language and adult conversations and I was amazed that the waitress continued to serve them alcoholic beverages. As the conversations between them continued, at least 8 people left this area of the restaurant . . . and I finally did as well.
I suggest that a restaurant that wants to maintain such a privileged atmosphere has to draw the line in the sand.
Here is our rating of the restaurant: (maximum rating in each category ●●●●●)
Food quality and value: ●●●● (money vs. food)
Location: ●●●●
Service: ●●●●
Atmosphere: ●●●●
Our Rating: ●●●●