Las Vegas - Nevada
Well, I finally arrived at my destination 2,240 miles later. Last night I was woken up by a terrible smell of fire and I thought the hotel was on fire. I got up and found out at the front desk that there was a controlled burning going on . . . I thought I get a second heart attack.I left early this morning and it was a chilling 38 degrees. I dressed warm. As soon as I left Bellemont, AZ the terrain became very rugged with lots of mountain. There was hardly any grass visible, only rocks and more rocks. It is hard to describe, but the sky here seems so much different then the one I am used to. I believe that the landscape here has not seen any rain for a long time, as most of the rivers and creeks are empty. By the way I like the names of the creeks: "Coyote Wash" or "Rattlesnake Wash", etc.
The landscape here reminds me very much of "The Valley of the Shadow of Death" in Israel. Highway 40 is pretty much the only route to Las Vegas and the whole road seems to be a big sight seeing tour . . . just beautiful. Along the tour today I encountered a tremendous amount of cross-winds, especially in the mountains. At times I really had to slow down, because you get pushed to the other side of the road . . . by the strong winds.
I stopped at a very isolated gas station in the middle of nowhere, and I met a 25-year-old Japanese "Tom Shimojo" with his bicycle there. He had come to Las Vegas from Tokyo and bought a bike in Las Vegas to visit the Grand Canyon . . . He is sleeping outside and he told me that he has a great time . . . OK !! Fear, I guess is not in his vocabulary!
When I arrived in Kingsman, AZ (Just before I took 93 to Las Vegas, NV) I noticed that this is one of the busiest town I have ever seen in my life: filled with an incredible amount of traffic, people, signs, etc. As soon as I passed Kingsman and I entered the desert to Las Vegas the temperature skyrocketed to 98 degrees and it was time for me to slip out to the leather. When you drive in the leather you do not feel that it is that hot outside, but you noticed how your head slowly gets warmer and warmer and you think you have fever!
At around 1 P.M. I had the chance to visit Hoover Dam . . . which is a great site. It reminds us how we as human kind can follow our dreams and fulfill them with hard work and determination.
The monumental dam is very hard to describe, because it is so very large.
In the parking lot an older couple started to talk to me and they told me that they had adopted a cat in the shelter of Phoenix and she had a Harley Davison collar around her neck. Every time she hear a Harley she is running toward the sound of the Harley . . . . that’s' what a great bike does for you . . . :-)
Thought of the day:
Great things can be accomplished by dreaming a dream and believing in it
Total miles 2,340 miles
Miles today 197 miles
38 degrees to 98 degrees
Gas 15.69
The landscape here reminds me very much of "The Valley of the Shadow of Death" in Israel. Highway 40 is pretty much the only route to Las Vegas and the whole road seems to be a big sight seeing tour . . . just beautiful. Along the tour today I encountered a tremendous amount of cross-winds, especially in the mountains. At times I really had to slow down, because you get pushed to the other side of the road . . . by the strong winds.

When I arrived in Kingsman, AZ (Just before I took 93 to Las Vegas, NV) I noticed that this is one of the busiest town I have ever seen in my life: filled with an incredible amount of traffic, people, signs, etc. As soon as I passed Kingsman and I entered the desert to Las Vegas the temperature skyrocketed to 98 degrees and it was time for me to slip out to the leather. When you drive in the leather you do not feel that it is that hot outside, but you noticed how your head slowly gets warmer and warmer and you think you have fever!

The monumental dam is very hard to describe, because it is so very large.

Thought of the day:
Great things can be accomplished by dreaming a dream and believing in it
Total miles 2,340 miles
Miles today 197 miles
38 degrees to 98 degrees
Gas 15.69
Congradulations ! Your halfway home. It is very different to see life from other perspectives and sometimes hard to grasp what it means to us. Glad you are doing well. We are headed to I.U. today for John's final exam. God Bless and pray for us. Bobster
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