Memphis, TN - . . . I feel like the 'King'
As I woke up this morning, I felt that my arms and face were burnt from the ride yesterday. I decided to wear long sleeves today. I left from Mayfield, KY from Rt. 45 to Rt. 51, heading for Memphis, TN, the temperature climbed to 95 degrees. I did not feel the temperature so much while I was riding, but when I stopped for gas the heat was unbearable along with the humidity.
Rt 51 is an incredible road to drive. There is hardly any traffic and one can see the beauty of this part of the country. I have never seen so many churches along a road then on this one and it seems as each one wants to compete in size with a Lowe's store :-) Some of the corn fields have been harvested, the cotton fields are still standing in full bloom and the air smells fresh.
The deeper I drive into the South the more I become aware of the poverty in some areas. Small towns that seem to be abandoned or there are towns which seem sharply divided between ‘well to do parts' and poor areas. Make no mistake I am well aware that we have the same where I (we all) live, however it truly seems as if the differences in some areas are much harsher. As I was driving into Memphis on Rt. 51 I passed into an area that was similar to Gary, IN. (a very poor example of how we allow to pass out dignity)
I am at the Holiday Inn in downtown Memphis, TN and I will go to the "Blues Capital" of the South (the downtown of Memphis) . . . eat something and relax. I am sure I'll have a story to share after I return.
I got back from downtown . . . it was tremendous. The downtown stage had a Gospel Festival and the songs were a great blessing. ("Kevin Davidson & The Voices") Music is like the powerhouse of the human soul . . . it can go very deep and touches us in areas that are not explainable.
Thought of the day:
Your destiny is given to you by the choices of others. Therefore . . . be careful what choices you make (it will touch not only you)
Weather: Very hot 96 degrees and humid
Gas : $10.95
Miles: 220 miles
Destiny seems to be made up of so many things we regard as insignificant at the time they occur. I am some what in awe of how our pathways come about. The funeral was well done and proper. We came away with some feelings of reconciliation. Great times with you brother, take care and God bless in Little Rock,Bobster
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