As you probably guessed, the weather is still great . . . and I am meeting lots of people. Today I talked to a couple from China, Mr. & Mrs Li Tianhua, who now live in Japan. Believe it or not, but they did not speak any English and of course I was not able to talk to them Chinese or Japan. But we were able to talk for quite some time with hand motions and ‘sounds’ that are understandable in any language. I 'told' them about my trip to China in 1998 and they 'told' me about their first impressions of the USA.
I thought I let you know some highlights of my trip from Eaton to Las Vegas:
Best road to travel on a Harley Davidson: State Rd. 60 from Socorro, NM to Springerfield, AZ & St. Rd. 98 in NV
Best interstate to travel on (if you have to) : I-40 from Flagstaff, AZ to Kingman, AZ
Friendliest people I met: Memphis, TN
Best hamburgers to eat: At “Manny’s” in San Antonio, NM
Most expensive gas: $3.56 for super unleaded . . . somewhere in NM
Best Hotel with nicest staff: Ride Inn in Springerfield, AZ
Sharpest car to watch on the road: Dodge Magnum
Things I miss the most: Family, Friends & my pillow to sleep on
City with the most potential to show off history and be a showplace: Hot Springs, AK
Best motorcycle to drive: Road King Classic – Harley Davidson
Most unique restaurant: Harley Davidson Bar and Grill in Bellemont, AK
Worse coverage of cell phone service: Nextel
Most unexpected & unique site: The Great Array on St. Rd. 60 in NM
The greatest Museum: Museum of Arts in Roswell, NM (Forget the UFO museum)
Most unique restaurant: The Cattle Barn in Roswell, NM
Cheapest city to live in: Roswell, NM
Highest speed I traveled (and people still passed): 90 mph – Highway 38 from Gladiola, NM to Caprock, NM
Most unique Café: Harley Davidson Café in Las Vegas, NV
State with most ranchers on the road: Texas
Biggest ranch people told me about: Walker Ranch – five counties large!
. . . . and there you got it.

One more thing: I left this morning around 9:30 A.M. to go to the Las Vegas Strip and saw a guy at the slot machine . . . .when I cam back at 5:00 P.M. the guy was still sitting there . . . OK!
Thought of the day:
When you think you saw it all, there will be more!